
Health care providers are entrusted with the lives of numerous people each day. However, despite all of their training and experience, doctors and nurses are still subject to human error, which can result in serious patient injuries. If a mistake is made due to a substandard level of care, the injured party might be eligible to recover damages. If you have been harmed while being treated by a health care professional, contact a malpractice attorney to see if you have a case. Here’s what you should do if you wish to pursue compensation.

4 Steps of a Medical Malpractice Case

1. Document What Took Place

As soon as you can, it’s essential to document all of the events of what happened leading up to and including the injury. This will help prove negligence during settlement negotiations or in court. As time passes, your memory will begin to fade, making it more difficult to recall important details that support the case. Write down the names of the health care providers who treated you, the date and time of the incident, and any procedures or surgeries that were done.

2. Learn Your State’s Statute of Limitations

malpractice attorneyIt’s imperative to become familiar with your state’s statute of limitations for medical malpractice cases. This is the specific time frame you’re given to file a lawsuit after being injured. In Iowa, you have two years from the date the injury took place to seek compensation. However, there are exceptions to this rule, so do the proper research to see what applies to your case.

3. Consult a Malpractice Attorney

If you are still within the deadline to file, consult a malpractice attorney right away. Medical malpractice claims are more complex than the average personal injury case, making it critical that you have an advocate to help deal with insurance companies and gather relevant evidence against the defendant.

4. Find a Medical Expert

It’s likely that you will need to get a medical assessment to show you have a valid case. This involves finding an expert to assist in proving liability. They will review your medical records to determine if the health care provider deviated from the acceptable standard of care during treatment. If they come to the conclusion you should be compensated, they will complete a certificate of merit to use as further proof in your case.


If you’ve been a victim of medical malpractice, don’t wait to take action. A malpractice attorney at Schnurr Law Firm, P.C. in Fort Dodge, IA, will work diligently to ensure your rights are protected and help you recover all the compensation you’re entitled to. Working with the right legal representative can make the difference in the outcome of your case. Call (515) 576-3911 today to schedule a consultation.
