
Around age 50, it’s common to experience hair loss. While it’s a hereditary trait for some, others may experience it due to age, stress, declining health, or treatment side-effects. Catching the problem in time can help you seek timely remedial action and preserve your mane’s health. With this in mind, below are some telltale signs that you’re losing hair.

Obvious Hair Loss Signs

1. Less Hair Density

Does your hair seem less voluminous than before? This could very well be the first sign of thinning hair. If not hereditary, the pattern could be indicative of other underlying problems, such as lupus, abnormal thyroid, or ringworm of the scalp. Consult a professional to assess your health so you can manage these issues effectively before they worsen.

Hair Loss2. Visible Hair Fall

Finding large clumps of hair every time you shower or comb your hair is another sign that you’re experiencing hair loss. Avoid exposure to hot water and heat styling products to prevent more loss. For many, falling hair is also a sign of lacking nutrition. Pick foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitamins A, D, and E to ensure healthier hair and scalp.

3. Bald Patches

Losing sections of hair may also cause bald spots around the scalp. This usually happens as a result of a skin condition and requires urgent attention from a health care provider. They can diagnose the cause and prescribe treatments to prevent further shedding.

4. Receding Hairline

A receding hairline is one of the most common and noticeable indications that your hair is gradually thinning. This is likely an age-related phenomenon, especially if you’re nearing 50. Others may notice a decline in their hair volume much earlier if the condition runs in their family.


No matter the underlying reason, hair loss is concerning for men and women alike. Reach out to the experts at Hair Institute to help restore a voluminous mane with advanced hair therapies. The facility in Lexington, KY, offers effective receding hairline treatments to bring your hair back to its original glory. For further information about their techniques, call (859) 263-9811 or visit their website.
