
Those who want to cool their home with a quiet, efficient, and easy-to-install system should consider a ductless air conditioner. Because of these benefits, the systems have become popular among homeowners in Honolulu, HI. To help you understand this option, the team at Advanced A/C Contracting explains below how they work and why they are an excellent choice.

How They Work

A ductless air conditioner works the same way as the well-known central air option. The only difference is it doesn’t use ducts. Because there’s no ductwork, the system cools only one room, rather than distributing it throughout the entire building. The unit pulls in the warm air from the room and the evaporator extracts the heat from the air. The blower then sends cool air back into the space, while the conduit transfers the heat energy outdoors to the condenser, which releases the heat outside your home.

Why Buy One?

ductless air conditionerDuctless systems provide automatic zoning—a feature that gives you total control over the temperature of each room. This avoids wasting energy that would otherwise be used to cool empty areas. It also keeps everyone more comfortable because family members can individually adjust the temperature in whichever room they’re in. For example, if one person prefers their space a little cooler than someone else, they can set their thermostat without “freezing out” someone in the next room.

Duct leakage is responsible for a lot of wasted energy in central air conditioning systems. A ductless system bypasses this issue by blowing the cool air directly into the room. It is also a more economical upfront choice. Homeowners can avoid the labor-heavy and disruptive work of installing ducts, which can cost more than $10,000. Professionals can typically install ductless units throughout an entire home within one day for immediate enjoyment and drastically reduced labor costs.

This year, prepare for the heat by having a ductless air conditioner installed in your home. These systems won’t break the bank and will keep you comfortable all year round. Contact Advanced A/C Contracting at (808) 847-4814 to request an estimate for installation. Their experts will keep your system in top condition and are available 24/7 for repairs, in case your unit ever breaks down. For more information about them or their sister company, Air Conditioning Essential Services Inc, visit them online
