
It isn’t easy to approach the golden years of your life, especially when you might feel fraught with lifestyle changes due to your advancing age. One of the big transitions many people make is walking with canes, but you might not know when to start.

Top Signs You Need a Cane

You Don’t Feel Stable

One of the first signs that it is time to make the transition to walking with a cane is a general lack of stability when you are moving freely. If you find yourself grabbing the arm of your loved ones or reaching for support on the backs of furniture, it could be a sign a cane could help.

You Have Fallen Before

canesThe older you get and the more porous your bones become, the more dangerous falling can be. If you have fallen in the past, consider adding canes to your normal daily regimen to protect your health. Although it might seem early to speak with your doctor about canes, having an added support system could prevent painful falls.

You Have Problems With Your Legs or Feet 

If you live with chronic leg or foot pain, canes could help you to take the edge off your symptoms. Canes can also help people recover after sustaining injuries or undergoing surgery, giving people the chance to gingerly apply pressure to bones, ligaments, and joints as they get used to moving normally again.


Whether you need recommendations for a great cane or you are wondering if your current medications are right for your symptoms, the professionals at Medical Center Pharmacy are here to help. With a commitment to calling each patient by name and treating everyone with the kindness and respect they deserve, this Statesboro, GA, pharmacy can help you enjoy a higher standard of health care. To learn more about their services, visit their website or call (912) 764-5643.
