
DUI defense attorneys know that the penalties for a conviction can be severe. Even first-time offenders who are accused of drinking and driving in the state of Alabama face up to a year in jail and a mandatory 90-day license suspension. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take following the arrest to increase your chances of securing a favorable outcome to the case. 

What to Do After Getting Charged With a DUI

1. Write Down Everything You Remember

As soon as you have been charged with driving under the influence, it is essential to write down everything you remember about the arrest. This includes the date, time, and location of the interaction, as well as the alleged reason for the traffic stop. There is no detail too small to include in this summary because you never know which elements will ultimately contribute to the DUI defense.

2. Update Digital Privacy Settings

DUI defenseIf you have any social media profiles, update their privacy settings immediately. You can expect the prosecutor to scour Facebook, Twitter, and other popular sites for evidence against you. Do not simply delete any potentially incriminating photos or posts, though, because this could be considered destruction of evidence and may result in additional charges.

3. Call an Attorney

Contact a lawyer as soon as possible to start building a strategic DUI defense. A seasoned advocate will know how to protect your best interests; for instance, if they visit while you are still in custody, they will not let police violate any rights during questioning. An attorney will also represent you during the arraignment and help you enter a plea. 


If you are facing charges in Alabama, you can rely on Daniel H. Craven PC for quality legal counsel and representation during every stage of the trial. Based in Gulf Shores, this DUI defense attorney serves clients throughout Baldwin County and will fight tirelessly on your behalf. Visit the firm online to explore all his areas of expertise, or call (251) 968-8170 to schedule an initial consultation today. 
