
Life is full of unexpected events, and when it comes to your home, an insurance policy is your primary means of financial protection. While it's normal to want to save money, you don't have to lower coverage amounts to decrease monthly spending. Take a closer look at some of the ways you can reduce homeowners insurance costs without losing protection below.

How You Can Save On Your Homeowners Insurance

1. Bundle Coverage

One of the easiest ways to reduce your premium costs is bundling. Many providers offer discounts to people who purchase multiple policies through their company because the profits of two or more plans far outweigh the cost of the reduced premium. If you already carry a life or auto insurance policy, consider bundling it with your homeowner's coverage to reduce your overall expenses.

2. Get Discounts

Homeowners Insurance?Discounts are an excellent way to save on insurance costs. Aside from bundling, most insurance companies offer discounts for a wide range of home additions, such as security systems and a hail-resistant roof. Speak with your agent to learn about the available saving opportunities. If you don't currently qualify for any, make small upgrades to save more money in the long run.

3. Raise Your Deductible

Another potential way to reduce expenses is to raise your deductible. Most policies offer deductible options between $500 and $2,000; often, the higher amounts result in lower monthly costs. If you opt for this savings method, set the full amount of out-of-pocket expenses aside in a savings account to avoid any undue financial hardship later.


Homeowners insurance is vital to protecting your investment, but an exceptional policy doesn't have to break the bank. Turn to the professionals at Wilmoth Insurance Agency to find coverage that matches your budgetary needs. Since 1939, the family-owned, independent agency has proudly served residents and businesses throughout the Cookeville, TN, area. Request your quote today by calling (931) 526-6181, and learn more about their offerings by visiting online.
