
Losing teeth can be hard on everything from your self-esteem to your overall nutrition, which is why your dentist might recommend a bridge to restore your ability. However, most people are surprised to learn that there are multiple types of bridges on the market. Here are four common options for dental bridges, along with why a dentist might recommend them for your smile. 

Types of Dental Bridges

1. Traditional Dental Bridges

The most common type of dental bridge is a traditional one, where two crowns are used to create a support system for one or more false teeth. In addition to being strong enough to restore your bite strength, traditional bridges can create a seamless appearance and improve your dental health, as long as the supporting teeth are strong and stable enough to anchor the bridge. Traditional options are perfect for people who have a healthy smile and who have strong teeth adjacent to the missing areas. 

2. Cantilever Bridges

dentist Sometimes, people lose teeth on either side of a healthy tooth. Instead of creating two bridges, (one for either side of the healthy tooth) dentists may recommend a cantilever bridge, which uses a single healthy tooth to support neighboring false teeth on either side. Because cantilever bridges put more strain on healthy teeth, they typically aren’t recommended for back teeth enduring more bite force. 

3. Resin-Bonded Bridges

Unlike traditional and cantilever bridges, which use healthy teeth to support false teeth, resin-bonded bridges use a metal framework to support the prosthetic. This framework can either be fused permanently to the teeth or designed as a removable appliance, restoring the smile. 

4. Implant Supported Bridges 

A more permanent option for people experiencing tooth loss is an implant supported bridge, which uses titanium rods anchored into the jaw tissue to support the bridges. Implant supported bridges are incredibly durable and stable, giving people the ability to chew hard or crispy foods without worrying about their bridge slipping. 


The type of dental bridge you need can vary significantly depending on your current dental health, lifestyle, and budget. To narrow down the right prosthetic, make an appointment with William B. Collier Jr., DMD in Enterprise, AL. Using more than 35 years of experience, this talented dentist and his team work hard to give every single patient the care they would want to receive. To learn more about their approach to dentistry, visit the website or call (334) 347-5026.
