
In a personal injury claim, compensation can be awarded to the injured party to for financial and emotional losses incurred as a result of the incident or injury. The type and amount of damages awarded varies significantly from case to case depending on the severity of the injuries, the circumstances of the incident, and the injured party’s financial situation prior to the incident. To ensure you receive the maximum amount of compensation to which you are entitled, it’s imperative to work with a skilled personal injury lawyer.

Special Compensatory Damages

Following an accident or injury that left you injured, you can have a personal injury lawyer file a claim against the negligent or responsible party. Most claims include the request of compensation for:

  • personal injury lawyerMedical expenses, including any medications, procedures, hospital stays, and doctors’ bills
  • Lost wages due to an inability to work
  • Reduced earning capacity if the injury resulted in a permanent disability that prevents you from returning to the workforce
  • Property damage to anything damaged in the accident, which could include a vehicle, home, business, electronics, and more.

These damages are intended to restore financial stability to your life, particularly when an injury leaves you unable to work for short or extended periods of time.

General Compensatory Damages

In addition to special compensatory damages like medical expenses and lost wages, most personal injury claims also involve some form of general compensatory damages for things like pain and suffering and mental anguish. While it’s easier to determine appropriate amounts for special compensatory damages, these are much harder to estimate.

Damages for pain and suffering and mental anguish provide compensation for both the physical and emotional pain suffered both during the accident and throughout the recovery period. When seeking general compensatory damages for their clients, personal injury lawyers look at the severity of the injury, how the injury has impacted their quality of life, and the emotional toll it has had. 


If you or a loved one suffered an injury at the hands of a negligent party, you may be entitled to compensation for some or all of the above. To ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for your financial hardship and pain and suffering, it’s important to work with an experienced personal injury lawyer. The attorneys at Hill & Hovis have over 60 combined years of experience representing injured parties throughout High Point, NC. They also handle wrongful death claims in the event someone’s negligence resulted in the death of a loved one. Their attorneys understand this is a difficult time, so turn to them for compassionate legal representation. Call (336) 883-6000 to schedule a consultation, and visit their website for more information.
