Poll most people on their feelings about tax preparation, and anxiety easily tops the list. The experience doesn't have to be stressful if you decide to partner with an experienced professional. With more than two decades of experience, Cheryl Hawkins Tax and Accounting in Jordan, MN, continues to help individuals and business owners file their income tax returns accurately and efficiently. If you're wondering whether you need tax assistance, consider the following reasons why it may pay off.

Reasons To Use Tax Preparation Assistance

Identify Life Milestone Benefits

From the birth of a child to retirement, life has many key milestones. These significant changes could have an impact on your finances. A tax preparation specialist is trained to identify credits and deductions that may work in your favor. They are also able to provide solutions designed to reduce any tax liabilities. If you've recently married, retired, had a child, or sent a child off to college, working with a professional may help reveal tax perks.

Work With the IRS

tax preparationIf you've received an official IRS letter requesting documents or clarification, a tax preparation expert is your best choice to follow up. The experienced agents will provide you with guidance on how to respond. Not only will they offer suggestions on what to submit, but many are licensed to represent you in the case of a tax audit. They can also work with the IRS to arrange payment plans and offers in compromise.

Save Time

Between work, school, and taking care of a family, schedules can be stretched and limited. Preparing income tax returns requires time and due diligence to avoid mistakes and penalties. By turning over the task to a professional, you can rest assured they will commit to completing accurate and complete returns by the deadlines. This is especially true if your tax situation is complicated.
Eliminate the stress of tax preparation by partnering with a specialist. Cheryl Hawkins Tax and Accounting understands people are busy and may not have the time to devote to their income tax returns. With extensive experience and a judgment-free environment, let her team go to work for you. To schedule an appointment, call (952) 222-8272 today. Visit the website for information on the firm's available services.