
Pest control services go a long way towards keeping your home safe and healthy. With regular inspections from a reliable exterminator, you can prevent bugs from staying in your space. One of the most common critters, the centipede, can be a problem in Oahu. Here, the team at Aloha Termite & Pest Control in Wahiawa, HI, shares a few steps you can take to stop an infestation from occurring. 

3 Ways You Can Handle Centipedes

1. Squash Them on Sight 

While a centipede’s impressive number of legs allows it to move quickly, it’s in your best interest to kill it on sight. Since they aren't known to travel in large packs, your best bet at containing the issue is to remove them one by one. If you don’t want to kill the insect, you can carefully trap it in a box or cup and bring it back outside. 

2. Relocate Tempting Firewood

exterminatorCentipedes are known to burrow in damp, dark places—making firewood the perfect refuge for these leggy intruders. If you store firewood indoors, relocate it outside. This is good especially if you keep wood in a dark basement; the cooler temperatures and lack of sunlight invite bugs inside. Wear gloves and be ready to trap any centipedes that are already at home in the logs. 

3. Seal Gaps in Your Structure

In an attempt to survive or find nourishment, a centipede will seek out gaps in your home’s structure. To eliminate the risk of bringing in new tenants, locate and properly seal up any visible gaps, especially near the base of the home. If you’re not sure how to spot these openings, ask your exterminator to come out and take a closer look. 

Whether you’re dealing with centipedes, ants, termites, or rodents, the best team for extermination in Wahiawa, HI, is Aloha Termite & Pest Control. Since 1999, these exterminators have provided affordable and effective services to homes all over the island. They offer a five-year warranty and no yearly renewal fees. For more information about handling centipedes, reach out online or call (808) 622-2268.
