
Dealing with a house fire can be traumatic. Fortunately, there are many preventative steps that homeowners can take to minimize the likelihood of a fire. Specializing in dependable fire protection services and safety equipment, the team at Taylor Fire Protection Services wants their customers to be informed. Based in Wasilla, AK, they’re here to share four common causes of fires in the state and how you can prevent them.

4 Reasons House Fires Start in Alaska

1. Kitchen Fires

fire protection servicesEven the most experienced cooks can encounter a kitchen fire. It may happen as a result of leaving the kitchen briefly unattended or due to a faulty appliance. Sometimes cooks may be too busy in one part of the kitchen to notice that smoke is quickly emanating from another part. That’s why it’s so important to install a smoke detector near the kitchen.

2. Indoor Smoking

Smoking indoors can cause big problems inside. Sometimes the cigarette comes in contact with the fabric on a couch or the linens on a bed. Cigarettes and pipes that aren’t put out can also lead to dangerous situations. Take the time to smoke outside and carefully put the cigarette out.

3. Space Heating

There’s nothing like the cozy warmth that a space heater delivers to those tight, chilly spaces. The problem occurs when the heater is situated too close to items that cause combustion, such as papers or clothes. Space heaters should never be left unattended and should be unplugged at night. Think of it as a source of supplemental heat only. Just as you monitor your space heater, be certain that your furnace is regularly maintained. Something as minor as dirt on the unit can lead to a fire. A nearby smoke detector can alert you to possible problems.

4. Structural Fires

It’s not unusual for faulty wiring or light fixtures to cause occasional house fires. It may help to contact an electrician if you live in an older home and want to ensure that your home meets code standards. For your peace of mind, fire protection service professionals suggest keeping a fire extinguisher nearby in case a situation arises and replacing it as needed.

Why risk the possibility of a house fire? Trust in the team at Taylor Fire Protection Services to provide you with the fire protection services that you, your family, and your property need to be safe — including fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and sprinkler systems. Visit the company’s website, or give them a call at (907) 373-1760.
