
There is no denying that children grow up incredibly fast. Since caring moms and dads value every moment with their kids, the thought of giving up any time with them can be distressing. That is the reality of divorce, though, and it is one of the reasons child custody battles are often contentious. Fortunately, coping with time away from the kids is manageable once parents recognize how the new arrangement is in their children’s best interests. To determine precisely what those interests are, a family law judge will consider a variety of factors. Here’s a closer look at what the judge will review.

What Kinds of Factors Affect a Child Custody Arrangement?

1. Each Parent’s Ability to Provide

Although child support can make it possible for the parent who earns less money to provide a stable home, the court will still consider each parent’s financial security when awarding custody. Depending on the circumstances, the judge may not necessarily care about each parent’s actual income as much as their ability to maintain gainful employment so their children have some sense of stability.

2. Child’s Wishes

Children cannot have the final say regarding child custody, but the court will typically consider the preferences of older kids during the proceedings. There is no set age at which their wishes will come into play, but most judges will take the preferences of a child who is 12 or older into account.  

3. Each Parent’s Well-Being

child custodyRaising children is physically and emotionally demanding, and the court wants to see that both parents are up for it, especially since they will essentially be doing so alone. That means each parent’s mental and physical health can play a role in the proceedings.

4. Logistical Hurdles

In a perfect world, each parent would get the children for 3.5 days every week. For most families, though, such an arrangement is not feasible. Family law judges will consider both parents’ work obligations when devising a custody arrangement because these kinds of logistics will ultimately determine the final schedule.

5. Each Parent’s Daily Involvement

Which parent wakes the kids up in the morning and gets them ready for school? Who drives them to sports practice and helps with their homework? These may seem like small gestures, but they can play a big role in the outcome of custody cases.


If you are facing a stressful child custody battle, turn to Brown, Burgoon, & Hartnagel PC.Based in Nanuet, NY, they are proud to represent clients throughout Rockland and Orange counties in a variety of practice areas. Whether you need a personal injury lawyer or a divorce attorney, you can rely on them for quality counsel during every stage of the proceedings. Visit their website to see what past clients have to say about the strategic representation they provide, or call (845) 624-1966 to schedule an initial consultation today.
