
If brushing twice a day is good, brushing three, four, or even five times a is surely better—right? Although this is a reasonable line of logic, it’s not entirely true. In fact, if you ask your dentist whether there is such a thing as overbrushing, you will likely receive a resounding “yes.” If you’ve been an overachiever, here’s what you should know about what makes for a good regimen versus an overzealous—and potentially harmful—one.

Why Too Much of a Good Thing Is Bad

Brushing after every meal is an effective way to dislodge food particles and rinse away sugar that might otherwise cause cavities or irritation. However, doing so too hard or too often can gradually wear down the enamel of your teeth, leaving them vulnerable to the very damage you are working so diligently to prevent. Overbrushing can also force the gums to recede, which will expose the teeth’s roots and increase the risk of periodontal disease and other oral health complications.

Maintaining Your Pearly Whites Between Visits

dentistMost people can brush two to three times daily without experiencing any ill effects. That means if you eat three times a day, your dentist might advise you to brush after every meal. Doing so after every snack or beverage as well could result in oral health issues; instead, stock up on sugar-free gum to maintain fresh, minty breath between meals. You should also be aware of how hard you scrape your teeth. Stick to toothbrushes with soft bristles, and floss daily to avoid having to get too close to the gums to dislodge plaque.


Of course, even with perfect brushing habits, it’s essential to visit your dentist regularly for a professional cleaning and comprehensive oral exam. If it has been more than six months since your last appointment, turn to Beard & Holmen. Based in Waterloo, IL, the team cares for patients of all ages, so bring the whole family. Whether you need dental implants or root canal treatment, you can rely on them for quality and careful service. To get in touch with a friendly and knowledgeable dentist, visit their website or call (618) 939-7181 to make an appointment today. 
