
Your farm is an important piece of property. But whether it’s your home, your source of income, or a passion project, it could be vulnerable to unforeseen circumstances without the right insurance. At Town and Country Insurance Agency in Waynesboro, VA, their agents will help you find the farmers insurance you need to protect your farm from the unexpected. Below, their experts answer a few commonly asked questions about this type of coverage. 

Farmers Insurance FAQs

1. Do I Need It If I Already Have Homeowners Insurance?

While a homeowners policy might cover some aspects of your farm, it is definitely not a substitute for farmers insurance. For example, most policies won’t cover farming equipment or any of the outbuildings. If you make any kind of profit from your land, this will also not be protected, since most homeowners insurance can’t cover commercial use of the property.

2. What Does It Actually Cover?

As with all insurance, it depends on the type of policy—an insurance agent will help you find coverage that matches your specific situation. Policies range from commercial—for farms that make a profit— to "hobby" policies, which cover properties for personal use.

3. What About Crops & Livestock?

Farmers Insurance

In most cases, a standard policy will cover any crops that have already been stored, including but not limited to feed, grain, and seeds. However, you will need commercial insurance to cover seeds that have been planted or crops that are still growing in the field. This kind will also provide some basic livestock protection as part of its blanket coverage for all farm products—however, you might want to consider adding individual coverage if you have any exceedingly expensive animals to make sure they are insured to their full dollar value.

4. Do I Need Homeowners Insurance If I Already Have Farmers Insurance?

In most cases, the answer is no. A farmers insurance policy will cover damage to your home as well, assuming it is on the same property. However, if you own any expensive valuables like antiques or an art collection, those will likely require additional property insurance.

Farmers insurance offers a focused approach to protecting your property that covers your buildings and livestock, among other assets. When you need expert policy assistance, call Town and Country Insurance Agency’s experienced agents at (540) 221-2465 or check out their website today to learn more about their different policy options. 
