
As a business owner, having a pristine parking lot and driveway is a great way to invite customers to your facility and show your employees you care about appearances and convenience. That’s why ongoing asphalt protection and maintenance is imperative to ensure your investment stays in top-notch condition for years to come. If you’re concerned about the effects of snow, rain, dirt, debris, and sun exposure, here’s some advice on how to keep your asphalt in great shape.

Understanding How to Protect Your Asphalt

What Is the Best Way to Protect Asphalt?

AsphaltAsphalt can start to crack as a result of weather, sun exposure, excessive use, uneven installation, or contact with harsh fluids like gasoline that leak from vehicles. The best way to protect asphalt is by applying a new seal every two years. With fresh seal on top, your parking lot or driveway will have an added layer of protection from moisture. In addition to applying this sealant on a regular basis, have an asphalt contractor inspect the area annually. Through the inspection process, they can identify problems and patch small imperfections before they become serious potholes and cracks. 

Do You Need to Hire a Professional for Asphalt Repair?

While it may be tempting to take the do-it-yourself route, repairs and preventative measures often require expensive equipment, products, and experience mastering the task. To ensure the job is done correctly and the results are effective, always hire a professional asphalt contractor to perform maintenance, seal coating, and patching.


Professional Asphalt Service has been helping commercial business owners throughout the Twin Cities and its surrounding areas with pavement maintenance, asphalt repair, and snow plowing for over 25 years. If you’re looking for an experienced asphalt contractor to help you protect and extend the lifespan of your parking lot or walkway, call their office today at (612) 636-8888 to schedule an appointment. For more information on the comprehensive services they provide for both commercial and residential clients, explore this business online.  
