
Hardwood floors remain one of the most popular flooring options among homeowners. They are beautiful and can last for decades. However, for them to look their best, you must maintain them properly. The experts at Lakeside Floor Coverings in Minneapolis, MN, provide answers to common questions about caring for hardwood flooring.

4 FAQ’s About Hardwood Floors

1. How Often Should I Vacuum Hardwood Floors?

hardwood floorsIt’s recommended that you vacuum hardwood floors once a week. If you allow dust to accumulate on your floors too long, it can destroy the finish over time. Use a light touch when vacuuming and don’t let the beater bar hit the floor.

2. Does Temperature Have an Effect on Hardwood Flooring?

Yes, it does. Try to keep the temperature inside your home between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit all year round. Humidity levels should be around 30%-50% at all times. Drastic changes in temperatures can cause your hardwood floors to buckle.

3. What Is the Best Way to Minimize Dust on Hardwood Floors?

An effective way to keep dust at bay is to put mats at entrances and other high-traffic areas in your home. However, you should make sure they are specifically designed for hardwood flooring. Rubber-back mats, for example, tend to trap moisture, damaging the floors.

4. What Are the Benefits of Polishing?

Polishing your flooring for waxed finished wood every few months can fill in tiny scratches and refresh the finish, helping it look like new. Spray the polish on a dry cloth and then wipe it in a semi-circle on your floors. Allow your floors to dry for several hours before walking on them. A good way to maintain your oil-based wood floors is to have them refinished every 2-5 years depending on traffic. 

Taking proper care of your hardwood floors can help them last many years. If you have additional questions about maintaining your floors, contact Lakeside Floor Coverings. The flooring company has more than 20 years of experience and provides a variety of services, including flooring installation and custom floor design. For more information, call them at (763) 503-0100 or visit their website.
