
You might associate trees with durability and longevity, but in reality, they’re susceptible to diseases caused by fungi and bacteria. If left untreated, these diseases can cause dying flowers and branches, and, ultimately, tree death. The team at Greatland Tree Service, a tree service based in Anchorage, AK, share these common diseases and their telltale symptoms.

Tree Service Shares Common Tree Diseases


1. Anthracnose

Anthracnose is caused by many different fungi. It can cause defoliation, branch dieback, and irregular dead areas or blotches on the leaves of your tree, particularly the species of sycamore and flowering dogwood. A tree service may recommend controlling anthracnose with foliar applications of fungicides, such as thiabendazole and propiconazole.

2. Apple Scab

True to its name, apple scab causes scab-like lesions on the early season leaves of crabapples, potentially causing premature defoliation. This disease is aesthetic, and is managed with fungicide applications at bud break. Your local tree service may recommend fenarimol to treat the disease.

3. Fire Blight

Fire blight is a bacterial infection that leads to twig dieback and brown discoloration on tree leaves. It enters the plant through susceptible tissue, like flowers or wounds. As the disease moves from the leaves into the tree’s main branches, it will form oozing cankers. Professional landscapers will have access to techniques and treatments to manage this disease without spreading the infection.

If your trees aren’t in healthy shape, reach out to an experienced local tree service to assess the issue and stop the spread of common plant diseases. Greatland Tree Service is the trusted team to deal with your yard. As a member of the International Society of Arborists, their staff prioritizes top-notch precision and safety with every job. To learn more about what they offer, call (907) 336-8733, or visit them online to request a quote.
