
Rabbits seem like easy enough pets to care for, but you shouldn’t rely on popularized ideas of bunny ownership. Carrots and crowded cages aren’t going to cut it. To combat well-meaning but potentially harmful information, the knowledgeable veterinarians at Fairport Animal Hospital in New York discuss a few easy ways to raise your animal right and ensure it lives a long, happy life.

How to Care for a Pet Rabbit

1. Keep Them Indoors

While it may seem more natural for rabbits to live outside like their wild cousins, veterinarians recommend you keep domestic rabbits indoors. Pests and viruses can easily cause problems, and they are not equipped to deal with extreme weather conditions. Also, they’re prone to heart attacks, so the mere sight of a predator could kill them. Whether you keep them in a cage, pen, or room, they need plenty of space to hop around.

2. Take Them to a Special Veterinarian

Rabbits are categorized as “exotic pets.” As such, they need a specializing veterinarian. Choose an animal hospital that has the equipment and expertise to treat them and handle a variety of necessary services. Bring in your pet for vaccinations, spaying or neutering, annual checkups, and any other care they may need.

3. Provide a Nourishing Diet

veterinarianContrary to popular belief, a rabbit’s diet should have some variety. Hay serves as a great source of fiber and aids in digestion, so always have some available. Feed them dark green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, kale, cilantro, parsley, collards, and basil. Change out their water with a fresh supply every day. Sweet treats like apple slices and carrots should be given sparingly.

4. Make Safety Checks When They Roam

Your rabbit needs exercise, so it’s a good idea to have a designated area for them to hop around in. But remember, they love to chew. Cover up all wires or place them out of reach, move or block off houseplants, books, and other vulnerable items, and check there are no sharp objects a pet could hurt themselves on.

5. Study Social Cues & Behavior

Since they aren’t as vocal as cats and dogs, understanding rabbits takes a bit of experience. When they dance around and make honking sounds, they are expressing excitement. Like many other animals, they growl when they’re angry. If it flops on its side, that means it’s comfortable around you. However, if it is screaming, take them to the veterinarian immediately, as they only do this when experiencing intense pain.

If you need professional and specialized services for your rabbit, Fairport Animal Hospital can help. Their veterinarians offer state-of-the-art tools and diagnostics to ensure your pet receives the best attention and treatment that promotes their health and well-being. To learn more about the extensive health services they provide, visit their website or call (585) 388-1070 to schedule an appointment today.
