
You rely on your pipes to keep your home supplied with fresh, clean water, but when the drains are clogged and the pipes are slow, finding a reliable plumbing company to fix the problem quickly is of the utmost importance. However, understanding your home’s plumbing system and why it’s experiencing problems can help you better prepare for your appointment and determine if you need emergency service or if the repair can wait until the next day. Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions about repairs and service.

4 Common Questions Homeowners Have About Plumbing

1. Why Do My Drains Keep Getting Clogged?

PlumbingTypically, drain clogs are caused by a buildup of debris like grease, hair, soap scum, and food. If you’re not careful about what you and your family put down the sink, clogs can come back time and time again, even if you schedule routine preventative maintenance. The easiest way to prevent clogs is to avoid using your drains like a trash can. Place mesh strainers over the drain openings to catch food and schedule regular drain cleaning to stay on top of the buildup.

2. Do I Really Need to Worry About a Dripping Faucet?

Believe it or not, a dripping faucet can waste several gallons of water each week. Over time, this will cause your water bills to go up and could damage your septic system, overloading the drain field and filling the tank prematurely. Luckily, the fix is relatively simple. Often, the drip is due to a damaged or dry-rotted washer in the faucet itself. Replacing the washer typically fixes the drip, saving you money and aggravation down the line.

3. My Septic Tank Is Not Working as Well as It Should. What Can I Do?

If you have a septic system, it needs routine maintenance to work properly. If you’ve noticed a backup in the drain field or can’t remember the last time you had the tank pumped out, schedule an appointment. Ideally, septic tanks should be pumped every three to five years. This will help extend the life of your system while also reducing the risk of sewage backup in your pipes.

4. Do I Really Need to Use Chemicals in My Septic System?

Septic tank pumping is not the only maintenance your plumbing system needs. In fact, you’ll want to add septic tank enzymes to the system once a month. You can simply flush one pack of dry yeast down the commode each month in order to keep restoring the enzymes in the septic tank. The enzymes help break down solid waste in the tank, reducing the amount of sludge that collects in the tank. 


Need help with your home’s plumbing? Contact the team at Carolina Pipe Cleaning in Rockwell, NC. Their experienced plumbers can help with everything from clogged drains to septic tank maintenance. Learn more about their services online and call (704) 279-1151 to schedule an estimate today.
