
Getting a DUI can be a stressful, life-changing experience. To weather its challenges, it can be helpful to understand the right—and wrong—actions to do when facing a drunk driving charge. Below, DUI attorney James F. Bogen, Attorney at Law, in Cincinnati, OH, shares some do’s and don'ts to keep in mind if you're ever charged with a DUI.


Be civil.

DUI attorneyIt can be difficult to keep your cool when being pulled over by the police for whatever reason. However, in a DUI situation, the stakes can feel much higher. Don't be rattled by your nerves and lash out or behave disrespectfully toward law enforcement; this will only hurt your case. Pull over as soon as you safely can, have your license and other documents ready to give to the officer, and don't be combative or uncooperative.

Know your rights.

With the above said, you should also not let law enforcement trample over your rights. You will likely be asked about how much alcohol you've consumed, but you aren't required to say anything. If an officer pressures you into taking a breathalyzer, you have every right to politely decline. You could then be arrested and taken to the station, where another chemical test will be performed; however, if given a choice between a blood test or a breathalyzer, always go for the breathalyzer since the results can be more easily questioned by a DUI attorney than blood test results.


Tale a field sobriety test.

One of the first protocols an officer will use to determine whether or not you're intoxicated is the field sobriety testing. These are the tests that involve touching your finger to your nose, walking a straight line, etc. In Ohio, you are not required by law to take a field sobriety test, even if the officer tries to convince you to do so. Your decision to decline field testing can't be used against you in court; you don't want to give the law any evidence that they could later use to prosecute you.

Drink & drive.

If you know you're going to be drinking, plan ahead. It's easier than ever to contact a ride-hailing app or program the numbers of local cab companies in your phone. Take steps now to protect yourself further down the road.

If you've been charged with a drunk driving offense, trust DUI attorney James F. Bogen, Attorney at Law, to look out for you. For more than 10 years, he has been serving the Cincinnati area with DUI defense, felony, and misdemeanor cases. Call (513) 503-7251 today to arrange a free consultation with a DUI attorney, or visit him online to learn more about his practice areas.
