
The onslaught of snow, ice, severe winds, and de-icing products are among the reasons why winter is so harsh on vehicles. Because of this, it’s important to inspect your car during National Car Care Month this April to spread awareness of important springtime maintenance. The transmission team at Transmission Services in Lincoln, NE, shares a few tips to honor National Car Care Month and help you drive better and safer.

4 Tips for National Car Care Month

1. Change the Oil

Oil lubricates the many moving parts within your engine to prevent friction, heat, and premature wear and tear. It also attracts metal shavings and other debris, which turns it into a thick sludge that can damage the engine. Get your oil changed every 5,000 to 7,500 miles to maintain a well-lubricated, healthy engine.

2. Rotate the Tires

transmissionRegular rotation extends the life of your tires by promoting even wear. Front tires lean whenever you make turns, causing their outside edges to wear down quickly. If you do not schedule routine rotation, the outside edges of your front tires wear out faster than the inside, resulting in handling issues and bumpier rides. Rotation services are also important to check tire pressure since underinflation can cause a blowout.

3. Replace the Brake Pads as Needed

When you hit your brakes, the calipers squeeze the spinning rotors attached to each wheel, causing the vehicle to slow down. This squeezing action creates friction and requires pads to act as buffers between the calipers and the rotors. These pads wear out over time, resulting in screeching, squealing noises. They reduce braking ability and promote friction, causing premature wear and tear. Get your pads replaced as necessary—usually around every 50,000 miles—to maintain a safe, functional vehicle.

4. Schedule Transmission Services

Like engines, transmissions consist of many moving parts. Its gear system transmits power from the engine to the driving axles. Professional transmission maintenance keeps this vital component in great condition through flushes and leak checks. Transmission fluid is similar to oil in that it breaks down over time and collects debris, creating friction and shifting issues. Commission maintenance every 30,000 to 60,000 miles to prevent untimely rebuilds.

Taking care of your vehicle throughout the year ensures it will have a long life span. Rely on the team at Transmission Services in Lincoln to maintain your vehicle throughout National Car Care Month and beyond. Call (402) 475-3637 today to schedule an appointment, or visit their website for more information on their services. 
