
If you suffer from lower back pain, you know getting relief can be a real challenge. Massage therapy just might be able to help in this case, and the team at West Chiropractic Clinic of Soldotna, AK, is able to provide a wide range of treatments aimed at getting you up and moving again. Here’s more information on the types of back problems that can be treated by massage, and how this therapy will help.

Massage Therapy Helps These 3 Types of Back Problems

1. Muscle Strains

Muscle strains result from a number of common occurrences, including things like heavy lifting or a slip and fall accident. Strains cause inflammation of the muscles in the lower back, and the resulting discomfort can last a few hours or as long as several weeks. Massaging the inflamed muscles helps reduce irritation, while also addressing back spasms, which are muscle contractions or cramps that impact mobility while also causing discomfort.  

2. Spinal Arthritis

massage therapyAs cartilage in the spine breaks down, people often experience the painful sensation of bone rubbing on bone. As a result, stress and tension within the surrounding muscles can build, which limits movement in individuals suffering from osteoarthritis. Massage therapy reduces rising muscle tension resulting from spinal arthritis, although it’s important to seek therapy from a professional skilled in treating arthritic symptoms. Talk to your chiropractor for more information.

3. Sciatic Pain

When the sciatic nerve is pinched, intense pain can radiate up and down one or both legs. This pain can be debilitating for some people, and it can also be difficult to treat using conventional methods like medication and surgery. Massage is a good option when suffering from sciatic pain, as it loosens tightened lower back muscles that are the cause of irritation to sciatic nerves. Massage can also release endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers.

West Chiropractic Clinic offers massage therapy for a range of conditions, including those related to lower back issues. Take advantage of their expertise and compassionate approach when working with this skilled chiropractic team. Schedule an appointment in Soldotna today by calling (907) 262-9171. You can also learn more about back pain treatment by visiting the website.
