
If you see dark spots growing on your walls or hear a faint dripping sound somewhere in your home, it could be a sign you have a leak. Roof leaks can destroy the structural foundation and integrity of your property, make you vulnerable to mold and mildew growth, and even raise utility bills. If you suspect this may be the case in your home, call a roofing contractor and follow these steps to get it fixed.

How to Handle a Leak Before Roofing Contractors Arrive

Release the Leak

Trapped leaks will pool in your ceiling and eventually travel to other areas of your home, causing even more issues. The best thing to do is find the heaviest, darkest, wettest spot on your ceiling and poke a small hole with a thumbtack or needle. Once the water starts to drip, put a bucket under it so it doesn’t damage your floor. This controls the leak until help arrives and prevents further damage.

Locate the Entry Point

roofing contractorEvery leak starts somewhere, but it may not be the point where the heaviest water damage is located. In addition, a leak in the roof and ceiling may not be in the same location. Head up to your attic to inspect the underside of the roof. If you hear dripping or notice an area of mold growth, you’ve likely found the source. Roofing companies also suggest checking your roof vents to evaluate their condition. After years of wear and tear, the seals can become weaker and water can get through.

Contain the Leak

Once you’ve located the point of entry, you need to contain the leak until your roofing contractor arrives. You can apply a small amount of roofing cement or roofing tape from inside the attic temporarily to stave off further damage. Experts do not advise attempting to cover the leak with a tarp; it can be dangerous for those with no experience to get up on a roof, especially if it’s slippery.


Water damage only gets worse the longer it sits, so if you suspect you have a leak, don’t wait — contact the roofing contractors at Countywide Roofing in Elyria, OH. Over the past 25 years, they’ve built a reputation that is reflected in their hard work ethic and craftsmanship. They’re committed to ensuring everyone in the community has a roof that keeps their home protected and family safe. For more information on their roofing services, visit their website. Call (440) 246-3328 to schedule an appointment.
