
When you're considering bankruptcy, beginning your estate planning, or searching for a divorce attorney, the outcome of your case may depend a great deal on the lawyer you select to represent you. With all the options available, choosing an attorney may seem overwhelming, but Pater, Pater & Halverson Co., an established law firm serving residents in Hamilton, OH, has some key tips that will help you find the right attorney for you:

  • Get referrals. Ask your friends and family who may have dealt with similar legal issues, or make inquiries with lawyers who offer legal services in other areas. Many attorneys maintain a wide net of contacts, so they may be able to point you in the right direction.
  • Interview several potentials. Sit down with at least three likely candidates, and treat it like an interview. Ask for specifics about how they would handle your case, and make sure you know who you will be dealing with. At larger firms, the person with whom you speak is not always the one who will be acting on your behalf.
  • Look for personal chemistry. Hiring an attorney involves placing a great deal of trust with another person, so it's important to hire someone you like. The best outcomes occur when you and your lawyer have similar communication styles.

Of course, whenever possible, you should hire legal experts with years of experience. Visit Pater, Pater & Halverson Co. online now to learn about their century of legal service experience, or call (513) 867-1411 now to schedule a consultation.
