
With the obesity pandemic on the rise in the United States, people must understand the associated risks for themselves and their children. Obesity leads to a wide array of diseases and health problems, and a link has been discovered between periodontal disease and obesity. The team of dentists at the Dental Clinic of Onalaska in Onalaska, WI, has shared information you should know about the relationship between the two.

A Dentist’s Guide to Obesity & Periodontal Disease

The Obesity Epidemicdentist onalaska

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 70 percent of adults are overweight or obese. Meanwhile, more than 20 percent of children over the age of 12 are obese. Due to unhealthy lifestyles, such as a lack of exercise and poor eating habits, children are becoming overweight at a younger age. Obesity leads to problems such as hypertension, the risk of heart disease, arthritis, respiratory problems, and some types of cancer.

The Relationship With Periodontal Disease

Studies have shown that obesity creates a higher risk for periodontal disease. The fat cells in the body produce hormones and chemical signals. When there are too many fat cells, the overstimulation of these hormones and signals increases inflammation. This impacts the immune system and decreases blood flow to the gums. Both issues put the patient at a higher risk for gum disease.

In addition to proper dental care with a general dentist, staying within healthy weight levels and recommended body mass indexes (BMI) will help lower your risk of gum disease. Teach kids from an early age to eat well and stay active. If weight is a concern for you or your children, it’s a good idea to see your general practitioner.

Oral health is the top concern when it comes to preventing gum disease and a wide range of other oral issues. Visit your family dentist twice a year for preventive care and schedule emergency appointments as needed. Call Dental Clinic of Onalaska at (608) 783-3341 to schedule an appointment, or visit them online
