
Oral hygiene is essential for both kids and adults to promote good health and protect teeth from decay. As parents, you want to teach your child beneficial habits–and one of the best ways to do so is leading by example. Below are a few simple methods to accomplish this. 

A Parental Guide for Modeling Good Oral Hygiene 

1. Establish a Routine

One of the easiest ways to build a habit is to create a routine around it. The same time each day, brush you and your child’s teeth. Show them how much toothpaste to use, how to brush every exposed tooth surface, how they should hold their toothbrush, and how to floss.

2. Choose Healthy Snacks

oral hygieneGood eating habits are an integral part of dental health. Think about the foods you bring into the home. Choose healthy snack options like fruits, vegetables, and nuts rather than sugary treats. Make sure your child always has these healthy options available.

3. Plan Trips to the Dentist

No matter how good your home dental care is, you’ll also need regular checkups and professional cleanings to keep your teeth at their best. Schedule dental visits for both yourself and your child. Use this time to display the proper way to sit in a dentist’s chair and cooperate with the exam. 


The better oral hygiene you model for your child, the better they’ll fare in caring for their teeth. Start building habits today with help from Kid Smiles in High Point, NC. which will last throughout your child’s life and determine their dental health. There, you’ll find dedicated, compassionate pediatric dentists who will improve your child’s oral hygiene and dental health. Their friendly team and fun, inviting office help them make dental care a positive experience for your child. Schedule an appointment today at (336) 885-5437 or online.
