
Navigating bumpy roads and sharp turns becomes much easier when you maintain the proper tire pressure. That’s why auto shops consider tire inflation an important component of comprehensive car care. Optimum pressure levels are essential for numerous reasons, some of which are discussed below.

Why Auto Shops Emphasize Proper Tire Inflation

1. Better Control

While driving, your tires are the primary form of contact between the road and the car. In icy and slippery conditions, under-inflated tires are likely to skid and become difficult to maneuver. What’s more, the correct tire balance helps drivers maintain a better control of the car as they attempt to negotiate uneven surfaces and twisted road bends.

2. Fuel Efficiency

Auto ShopDriving with under-inflated tires affects your vehicle’s ability to withstand road resistance. As a result, your car consumes a higher quantity of fuel but skimps out on the number of miles covered. Low pressure causes them to lose their shape and form, requiring them to burn more fuel to reach the desired destination. In contrast, tires inflated to their full capacity offer better mileage and ensure higher fuel economy. 

3. Tire Longevity

Tires with low air pressure offer greater resistance to the road and burn out at a much faster rate. The friction causes their steel belts to heat up much faster than they normally would. It doesn't take long for hot tires to lose their integrity and encounter uneven wear on the tread. Keeping the air pressure in check prevents tires from losing their strength prematurely.

4. Peace of Mind

Discovering a flat tire is the last thing you want to come across when you’re out on the road. Keep the air pressure in check if you plan to keep your vehicle in motion for longer hours. Driving with properly inflated tires gives you the reassurance that you’ll reach your destination safely.


All these reasons make it easy to see why auto shops, like Stillwater Auto Clinic, emphasize proper tire upkeep. Serving customers throughout the Maplewood and East St. Paul, MN, areas, their mechanics specialize in all types of car repair solutions. Find out how their auto repair experts can help you by calling (651) 351-7188 or visiting their website.
