
When it comes to getting around while you’re on vacation, nothing makes it easier than a good rental car. However, if you’re like many drivers, you probably opt out of the rental company’s car insurance policy right before you take possession of the keys. While it’s optional and your personal auto insurance policy will cover you in the event of an accident, skipping out on the rental car’s supplemental coverage may not be the best option. Here are a few reasons why you should consider purchasing rental car insurance while you’re on vacation.

3 Reasons Rental Car Insurance Is a Good Idea

1. Your Personal Coverage May Not Be Enough

Car InsuranceEvery state has different insurance requirements. If you have the bare minimum of coverage for your area, it will not be enough to cover the cost of repairs or damage to the rental vehicle. Rental companies will expect you to pay for the cost of repairs and possibly even the revenue lost while the rental is in the shop. Only their policy will cover the full amount of the damages, saving you from paying everything out-of-pocket.

2. No Matter What, You’re Responsible

Your personal policy may distinguish between no-fault and at-fault accidents. However, rental companies will not. No matter what happens to the car, you’re responsible for the repairs. This means your insurance will have to pay for repairs whether the car was backed into while parked or you accidentally rear-ended someone at a stop light.

3. High Deductibles Make It Difficult

When you’re on vacation and traveling with your laptop, cell phone, and other electronics, there’s always a risk of the items getting stolen. While most renter’s and home insurance policies will cover the loss, you’ll still have to pay your deductible out-of-pocket. If you’ve raised your deductible to save on the monthly premium, you may end up only making your vacation more expensive. Rental car insurance often includes personal effects coverage for a low average per-day cost. If you’re worried about the risk of your items getting taken, purchasing insurance at the rental counter is an excellent idea.


At Charles Adams Insurance Agency in Ashland, KY, the experienced agents have helped residents find the best car insurance policies for their needs since 1906. As the area’s trusted insurance agency, they pride themselves on matching drivers with the best coverage, whether you want a personal policy to protect your family while driving a rental car or need commercial insurance to protect your growing business. Learn more about their services onlineand call (606) 325-9709 to get a free quote.
