
For those without experience gardening, it can seem like a daunting task to coax flowers or vegetables out of the earth. However, it's not as difficult as it may seem at first. In fact, Mother Nature rarely needs our help to grow lush greenery. Nevertheless, a bit of practical advice never hurts, and Landscaper's Corner, the leading garden supplies and landscape design service in Lexington, KY, has some to share.

Garden Supply Shop Offers 3 Basic Plant-Growth Tips

Plants Need Fertilizer

Fertilizer is used to replenish the nutrients your plants and lawn extract from the soil, typically nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Soluble fertilizer is the simplest to use. Fill up your watering can, and then add fertilizer in the amount recommended on the package. When it is fully dissolved, water each plant and wait for the vibrant growth to follow.

Mulch Your Trees & Shrubberies

Garden suppliesMulch is used to keep the soil moist and prevent the growth of weeds and other plants you don't want growing around your trees and bushes. It is often an organic material like wood chips, although decorative stones are occasionally used as well. Spread the mulch, which you can purchase at any garden supplies store, around the roots of your trees and bushes to a depth of 2 to 4 inches. It protects the topsoil from the sun and prevents moisture from evaporating. Also, when organic material is used, it nourishes the soil as it decomposes.

Germinate Seeds

To grow plants from a seed, you must first let the seed germinate. Let it sit on a damp paper towel inside a zipper storage bag or a plastic container to prevent the moisture from evaporating. Place this in a warm spot in your house that’s out of direct sunlight. Germination times vary by species, but once the seed sprouts, plant it in shallow soil spooned into an egg carton. Transplant it to your garden when the seedlings develop two full leaves.

For all your garden supplies, stop by Landscaper’s Corner. They offer everything from mulch to pruners to help you grow lush, healthy plants and vegetables or plan your landscape design. They've been serving Fayette County and beyond for more than 13 years, and their experienced staff can answer your questions and help you make selections. Call (859) 225-9433 or visit their website to view directions.
