
Having a full and healthy set of trees looks beautiful and provides you with a bit of extra privacy. Periodic tree trimming is a must, but unless you’re familiar with the pruning and trimming basics, you can do more harm than good. Here’s a guide on what you should and shouldn’t do to help your canopy grow to its full potential. 


Trim away branches close to your home. 

If you live in an area prone to storms or high winds, remove any branches close to your home. This precaution will help you avoid property damage from detached branches, as well as protect your trees from unnecessary damage during storms. 

Have the proper tools for tree trimming.

For your trees to grow healthy and strong, you need to use the proper tools during the trimming process. Before snipping away, secure your pruning shears, loppers, and hedge trimmers to ensure a clean cut. 

Trim year-round.

tree-trimmingTree trimming doesn’t stop just because the seasons change. If you see a diseased or damaged tree branch, snip it off before it becomes a problem. 


Climb and prune hard-to-reach places.

You should never prune or use a chainsaw in areas that are dangerous or hard to reach. For everything you can’t reach at ground level, call a professional. They’ll have the proper safety equipment to perform such work. 

Prune a flowering tree until all blossoms have opened.

Flowering trees need all of the strength they can get when in bloom, so don’t snip away branches until all of the buds have bloomed. Pruning too soon can damage it and prevent it from blooming. 

Trim away too much.

When tree trimming, remember that less is often more; you should never trim away more than a quarter of a tree’s branches throughout the year. Doing so will cause improper growth and can damage the crown of your tree. 


For more than 42 years, the professionals from Rivertown Tree Service in Hastings, MN, have provided affordable tree trimming and maintenance solutions to business and residents throughout Dakota County. They’re equipped to perform everything from stump grinding to storm damage cleanup, all in a timely fashion. To learn more about their services, call (651) 438-3704 today. You can also visit their website for a closer look at what they have to offer. 
