
Your backyard pond is more than an attractive landscaping addition; its murmuring water and natural beauty provide a wonderful source of relaxation. The pond maintenance experts at Clearly Aquatics in Bloomfield, NY, emphasize the importance of springtime cleaning and upkeep as a way of ensuring clear water all summer. They explain what it entails and how it promotes a healthy ecosystem throughout the warm weather months.

The Health of Your Water & Its Inhabitants

pondCorrect and thorough cleaning in the spring keeps the water clear and fit for aquatic life. Dead leaves and other organic matter accumulate at the bottom of the pond during winter, resulting in sludge and, subsequently, a toxic environment. Routine maintenance also prevents nitrate and ammonia content from increasing. 

Springtime Cleaning Tasks

Springtime pond cleaning involves removing twigs, leaves, and all other surface debris with special nets. It also requires removing sludge, sediment, and additional debris from the bottom of the pond after draining the water via large pumps.  If you have fish, such as koi, you may not have to drain the entire pond as the water contains good bacteria that prevents the backyard feature from becoming sterile.  This depends on how good of filtration is installed and the amount of fish.  In most cases the amount of fish waste can overpower the filtration thus a complete drain, wash, and vac clean is needed.  Clearly Aquatics has aerated tanks to properly care for all your pond life during this process.

Other maintenance tasks include inspecting and cleaning the pump, filter pads, and skimmer box, if applicable, as well as cleaning any accessories before refilling the pond. Adding more plants is another common spring task for natural water purification. Often a monthly maintenance program is needed for optimum pond clarity and health.  This is another service Clearly Aquatics offers.

Start preparing for the warm weather months by having your pond cleaned. Backed by over 18 years of industry experience, as well as extensive knowledge of aquatic biology and pond ecosystems, Clearly Aquatics provides comprehensive maintenance services to local residents. Schedule service with these certified experts today by calling (585) 657-7679, or visit the website for more information about what they offer and how they can assist.
