
Homeowners often don’t think about their well or septic tank maintenance until they experience issues. To keep your septic tank and well operating at full capacity, it’s important to remember the best maintenance practices for both. Here’s a breakdown of considerations to keep in mind so your property’s systems run smoothly.

How to Maintain Your Septic Tank & Well Systems

Test Your Water

Whether you’re purchasing a new property that uses well water or a septic system, or you’re looking to maintain your current systems, it’s important to know the condition of your water. This can be determined by bringing in a professional to test the quality of your water. This information is extremely important, as it’s the water your family drinks, cooks with, and bathes in, so it should be tested every now and then to ensure good quality.

Keep in Mind What You Flush

Your septic tank can only do its job when it has enough room to break down solids in its system. Flushing or putting materials like baby wipes, grease, and human hair down your drains introduces insoluble substances into your system. Since these items won’t break down, the buildup will eventually require your septic system to be cleaned out.

While it is recommended for your system to be pumped every three to five years, trashing these types of materials will ensure you’re not scheduling septic cleaning more frequently than necessary.

Schedule an Annual Inspection

septic tank maintenanceThe best way to keep your well and septic tank system running efficiently is to schedule an annual inspection. During this yearly visit, a septic tank maintenance expert will thoroughly inspect your water pump and equipment, pointing out any small problems. By catching these early on, homeowners can avoid more serious issues down the line, which will save them a great deal of money in the long run.

Make Your System Accessible

Generally, septic tanks are buried about two feet below your property. If your manhole cover is not easily accessible, it can make regular septic tank maintenance challenging. While your septic expert is on your property for your annual inspection, it can be an excellent opportunity to have them bring the opening up to ground level without paying an exorbitant amount out of pocket.


Need assistance with your well or septic tank maintenance? Turn to the locally owned family business of Bigfoot Pumping & Thawing in North Pole, AK. With over 25 years of experience, residents of interior Alaska have turned to this trusted company for everything from general plumbing to septic tank pumping to sewer line inspection. Their team is also available around the clock to assist with 24/7 emergencies. For an estimate, contact Bigfoot Pumping & Thawing today at (907) 488-9855. You can also visit their website for additional information on the company and their services.
