
Many clinicians who work with trauma patients have experienced symptoms of it themselves — even if they themselves never witnessed a traumatic event. A growing body of scientific literature associates secondary traumatic stress with compassion fatigue and clinician burnout, making this often-silent issue a major point of concern. Clinical leader Metro Collaborative is meeting secondary traumatic stress head-on with a holistic workshop directed by some of the subject’s top voices.

A Holistic Workshop in the Tropics

FromHolistic Workshop June 5-10 at the Villa Serena in the Dominican Republic, Dr. Norah Feeny, Ph.D., the Director of the PTSD Research and Treatment Program at Case Western University, will lead the Resilience and Recovery after Trauma Return to Well-Being workshop. Dr. Feeny’s laboratory develops and evaluates cognitive-behavioral approaches to anxiety and mood disorders, with a special emphasis on PTSD.

Bringing together clinicians from across a variety of disciplines and areas of the country, this retreat aims to create a greater shared understanding of secondary traumatic stress, how it impacts the medical profession, and what can better be done about it.

Beating Clinician Burnout with Open Discourse

Clinician burnout and secondary traumatic stress are difficult topics, but there’s nowhere else in the world like the Villa Serena. Its idyllic beaches, steady waves, and wide host of included activities have been picked to instill a sense of relaxation and openness — at Metro Collaborative holistic workshops, participants feel inspired by their relaxation and sense of distance to take on issues they otherwise couldn’t.

This retreat will focus on the following questions:

  • How do social connections help people be resilient?
  • How does one talk about what has happened in a healthy way?
  • How does one get back to life and continue to heal?

Find answers among rolling waves, palm trees, and blue skies. Participants of Metro Collaborative holistic workshops fondly recall how they were able to think clearly on the Rincon Bay — find peace and come back to your clinic with a more confident face to secondary traumatic stress.

This retreat lasts from June 5 – 10. Call Metro Collaborative at (217) 777-8949 or visit their website today to make your reservation.  
