
When planning a home, it’s easy to get caught up in interior design ideas and forget about insulation. But putting up these added layers will make your home more comfortable and more affordable. With some knowledge from a reputable construction contractor like Alas-Co General Construction in Anchorage, AK, you can learn much more about insulation strategy. One of the first basics to know about is R-value. 

A Construction Contractor’s Guide to R-Value

What Is It?

construction contractorR-value is a way of measuring the thermal resistance of different materials. A high R-value means that a surface, a wall or window, for example, is efficient at blocking heat. Conversely, a low R-value means that heat passes easily through the space. When the boundaries of a home have a low R-value, it means that your HVAC unit will have to work extra hard to maintain a constant temperature. That will affect its life span and your utility bills. 

How Does It Work?

Generally, heat always seeks to move to an area with a lower temperature. Thus, if the outside is colder than the inside of your home, all available heat will flow outward until an equilibrium is reached. With a low R-value, it’s easy for the hot air to pass through to the outside. 

What Can Be Done to Improve the Number?

It’s smart to have a strategy for increasing the R-values of your home. The best way to do that is to add insulation with a high rating. Lining some walls with fiberglass is a good approach to trap heat. You also may want to consider spray foam insulation, which not only will provide thermal resistance, but will also help fill in small holes and cracks where air is escaping. 

As you plan your new home or look to optimize your current house, it’s smart to talk to a construction contractor like Alas-Co General Construction in Anchorage. The professionals provide everything from fiberglass insulation to spray foam insulation. To discuss your specific needs, call (907) 522-2297. Learn more about the company by visiting their website
