
While minor plumbing issues, such as leaky faucets or running toilets, are a headache, you probably know how to handle them, at least until a professional arrives. However, in the case of emergencies, many homeowners feel overwhelmed and panicked, unsure what to do. Drain Doctor, the Levelland, TX, area’s go-to plumbing service, shares a few steps to minimize damage in case of an emergency. 

Shut Off the Water 

Whether it’s a minor leak in the kitchen sink or a burst pipe spewing into your home, shutting off the water source is a crucial first step. In the case of significant leaks, where flooding is a risk, access the main water shut-off valve to your home and turn it off. The valve might be located under your kitchen sink or near the water heater. If it’s a minor leak, turn off the smaller valve behind the appliance. Shutting off the water source reduces the risk of moisture damage and flooding. 

Contain Small Leaks 

plumbingIf the leak is minor and the source is easy to identify, you can contain it yourself before calling the plumber. This will help minimize damage while you wait for them to arrive. Use plumber’s tape or old towels or rags to wrap the pipe and keep water from spraying. Also, use a mop or towel to clean up water from surfaces to prevent water damage and mildew. If the toilet or drain is overflowing with raw sewage, however, stay out of the area and do not handle any hazardous waste. 

Open the Spigots 

Water will remain in the pipes even after you’ve shut off the water supply. That means, if you can’t identify or contain the source of the issue, water might continue leaking. To solve this issue, you can open the spigots outside your home to direct water away from the house. This will help reduce leakage and water damage. If you have a garden hose, you can use it to squeeze out the remaining water. 

Once you’ve addressed these steps, sit back and wait for professional help. It’s important not to attempt to fix a plumbing emergency yourself, as it could be dangerous or result in more extensive and costly damage. If you’re in the Hockley County area, rely on the experts at Drain Doctor for emergency plumbing services, including leak and water heater repair. Call (806) 894-3796 today to schedule an appointment, or visit their website to learn more about their services. 
