
You may not think twice about them when they’re outside, but once ants have invaded your home, getting them out can seem impossible. There are several species of ants native to Hawaii pest control professionals commonly discover in homes. Here are three types to keep an eye out for. 

3 Ant Species You Should Hire a Pest Control Company to Take Care Of

1. Pavement Ants

Measuring 3/16 of an inch long, these small, dark-colored ants are extremely common in Hawaii, and their habitats tend to be small but densely populated. These are the insects you’ll see residing in anthills or cracks in the sidewalk. Fortunately, they don’t bite. If you start noticing any inside your home, call a pest control company as soon as possible, because they’ll start moving in in large numbers quickly. 

2. Tropical Fire Ants

Unlike the pavement kind, fire ants do bite, although they’re not particularly aggressive. You do want to be careful, however, since their sting can cause an allergic reaction in some people. They can be easily identified by their red bodies with a black abdomen.

3. Hawaiian Carpenter Ants 

Pest ControlThese ants are a red-black color, and, if you notice them inside, you’ll want to get them taken care of immediately. They are called carpenter ants because, somewhat like termites, they’ll destroy the wood in your home if they are not removed quickly. 


If you’re battling ants that have entered your home, Aloha Termite & Pest Control will help. Located in Wahiawa, HI, they help area residents eradicate everything from termites to bedbugs, ticks, fleas, and roaches, and they have been offering quality pest control services since 1999. They value excellence and customer satisfaction, and their fumigation services come with a five-year warranty. To learn more, visit their website, or give them a call at (808) 622-2268 to schedule your free inspection today. 
