
Buying fine jewelry takes more than just a simple trip to a mall. If you want to give your loved one a beautiful engagement ring or a lovely diamond necklace, you will need the services of a jeweler before you invest. To learn more about how to determine if a jeweler is right for you, consider the brief guide below. 

What to Look for When Picking a Jeweler


The first things you should look for in a jeweler is expertise and licensing. Their business should be accredited, and it is better to deal with one that has been in operation for a substantial amount of time. The more years they have had in the business, the more likely the jeweler is to have excellent references, quality merchandise, and the ability to maintain and repair various types of jewelry. It’s imperative to have a jeweler who has the skill sets necessary to handle your requests. 

Customer Reviews

jewelerBefore you settle on a jeweler, you should get reviews from former clients. While a jewelry company is likely to present themselves in a positive light, client reviews are usually honest and are a major determining factor for whether or not the company is a good fit for you. On the jeweler’s website, look for links to customer reviews. Also, visit highly regarded review websites for a clear look at how the jeweler handles their clients and merchandise. 

Ability to Make Repairs

Jewelers need to have a keen eye for problems or damages and make the necessary jewelry repairs. They should also be able to make suggestions for what to do with pieces you no longer wear and how to take care of old, inherited jewelry. 


A jeweler who takes pride in their profession will ensure they can answer all your questions and provide pristine pieces of jewelry. As an experienced jeweler with three locations in Grand Island and Lincoln, NE, Sartor Hamann Jewelers is here to help you. For over 100 years, these experts have offered clients a wide selection of gorgeous, high-quality jewelry. For more information, call (402) 476-8681 to speak with a knowledgeable jeweler or visit one of their locations.
