
If you have been hurt because of another person or company’s negligent behavior, you may consider taking legal action. The first step is to visit a personal injury attorney who has the experience and knowledge to gather the right evidence to win your case. As you begin the process of filing a claim, here is a bit of insight into what you can expect from your consultation with the lawyer.

You First Meeting Is All About Questions

Most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis. This means that instead of charging a per-hour fee, they take a percentage of whatever settlement pay-out you are awarded. This saves you the trouble of exorbitant up-front expenses and also ensures that a lawyer will only accept your case if they truly think it’s strong.

personal injury attorneyAs such, you should expect a lot of questions in your first consultation. The lawyer is trying to determine how solid your potential personal injury claim is, in your interest as well as theirs. They will want to know the extent of your damages, the circumstances that led to them, whether witnesses were on hand, and what evidence you might have already collected.

What You Can Expect Moving Ahead

By the time you conclude your consultation, you may not know for sure whether the personal injury attorney wants to represent you. Don’t stress if they don’t sign on immediately—this is standard practice. They may take time to examine the facts of your case and get back to you afterward.

If they are interested in taking your case, you may be asked to sign a contract authorizing them to represent you. Always take the time to read the fine print and inquire about any related fees. From here on out, your attorney will guide you through the steps of the case—and hopefully, win you a successful claim.


For a reliable personal injury attorney in New York City, turn to the seasoned team at the Law Offices of Iannuzzi and Iannuzzi. With over 85 years of experience, they are known for successfully handling difficult cases with competence and confidence. Their lawyers provide quality guidance and aggressive representation to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Learn more about their practice areas online. To schedule an appointment, call (212) 227-9595 today.
