
Although many personal injury cases seem fairly straightforward, it can be challenging to build a strong claim that results in a payout. If you were struck by a drunk driver, liability might seem obvious, but you still need to gather court documents proving the motorist’s impairment, as well as medical records and expert witness testimony detailing the extent of your injuries. Fortunately, you don’t have to do any of this alone. A compassionate lawyer can guide you through every stage of the claims process, offering expert tips and strategic advice along the way—including the following.

Personal Injury Attorney Shares 3 Tips for Filing a Claim

1. Prioritize Your Health

Seeking medical care immediately following the incident may not only save your life, but it could also contribute to the strength of the claim. Since some impact injuries can take hours or even days to manifest symptoms, it is essential to visit a doctor or urgent care center even if you feel fine. If you postpone treatment after sustaining serious injuries, life-threatening complications could result. Additionally, the opposing party could argue that the incident in question was not responsible for the damages, which could limit the amount of compensation you recover.

2. Document Everything

personal injuryIf you can walk around after the crash, document as much as possible. There is no detail too small to take note of at a car accident scene. Photograph the vehicles from all angles, as well as the weather, road conditions, and nearby traffic signs or signals. It is also essential to get the names and contact information of any eyewitnesses, and the badge numbers of each officer who responds and contributes to the official police report. If you sustained visible injuries—like bruises or lacerations—start photographing them daily.

3. Seek Legal Counsel

Although you are not legally required to hire an attorney when filing a personal injury claim, having an experienced ally during the proceedings could prove invaluable. A lawyer will gather footage from the scene, obtain medical records, interview witnesses, track economic damages, calculate non-economic damages, and negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf. Qualified attorneys are such skilled negotiators, in fact, that hiring one may pay for itself. Accident victims are often able to secure a much larger settlement with the help of a lawyer than they can on their own.


If you were hurt in a preventable accident in Northwest Missouri and want to sue the liable party for damages, turn to the Law Offices of Drew F. Davis. Based in Cameron, this law firm is proud to represent clients in a broad range of cases, including those that fall under real estate law, criminal defense, and estate planning. You can learn more about the unparalleled service they provide by visiting their website. To schedule an initial consultation with a personal injury attorney, call (816) 632-7575. 
