
Both kerosene and heating oil are similar because they provide much-needed heat during the coldest periods of the year. Homeowners have a few options when it comes to warming their homes, however, and it may be difficult to select one over the other if you’re uncertain about the differences. The team at State Fuel Company, based in Rochester, NY, is knowledgeable about the area’s brutal winters. To help you stay warm, they share all you need to know about kerosene and heating oil.

What Is Kerosene?

keroseneDerived from refined petroleum, kerosene is a hydrocarbon fuel source often used to heat homes. It’s also used for other applications, such as lighting lamps and fueling jets. A highly refined product that burns cleanly and quickly, it’s ideal for use in outdoor tanks because it doesn’t gel up when it’s exposed to cold weather. The downside is how much costlier it is than heating oil because of the rigid refinement process it undergoes. Many homeowners favor it for its efficiency—its approximate 100-degree flashpoint means it ignites quicker than other fuels. Given its propensity to create stronger heat at a faster rate, it may put some strain on your furnace over time.

What Is Heating Oil?

Heating oil is derived from crude oil. Homeowners can burn this substance in their furnace to warm their property relatively quickly, thanks to a flashpoint of about 140 degrees. Unlike kerosene, which doesn’t react to low temperatures, heating oil can become gelatinous if it’s exposed to the cold, which is why it’s best to use this fuel in tanks situated inside the house. If you have an outdoor tank and want to use heating oil, you can infuse it with an anti-gel additive preventing the substance from freezing over.

Making the right choice for your home depends largely on the location of your tank. Regardless of your preference, you can trust the team at State Fuel Company for reliable fuel delivery, so your home stays consistently warm. Visit the company online to learn more about their options and to schedule oil delivery, or call them at (585) 308-0169 to speak with a representative. 
