
Carpenter bees are a nuisance that can cause significant damage to your property. That is why preparing a game plan during winter can help you be ready to handle them when spring hits. Southeast Termite & Pest Control is Knoxville’s leading pest control company. Below, they share some information on why you should be prepared and how to deal with the problem.

Dealing With Carpenter Bees

Pest ControlThe Problems They Cause

Carpenter bees can be one of the most damaging pests you’ll have to deal with. They will bore holes in any wood surface, including siding, window trim, decks, and outdoor furniture. If left untreated, over time they can cause structural damage and make your home prone to water damage and dry rot. 

How to Manage Them

The best plan of action for carpenter bees is to control the population. For best results, an exterminator should perform service when the bees are swarming which allows them to attack the problem at the hole. Targeting the hole directly increases the likelihood of eliminating the queen and her mate, which should prevent them from coming back. Unfortunately, you can’t completely get rid of carpenter bees. In fact, you may see new generations of them year after year. Your best bet is to be ready for them with a strategic plan to control the population and keep your home safe. 

Protecting your property from carpenter bees requires the right timing and a clear plan of action that can control the population and minimize chances of them returning. If you are looking for a reliable pest control company, turn to Southeast Termite & Pest Control. They have over 50 years of experience providing the most effective and environmentally friendly pest control services in the area. Call them today at (865) 925-3700 or learn more on their website.
