
As any seasoned arborist will tell you, trees require some maintenance to remain healthy all year long. As winter turns to spring and temperatures begin rising, you should take some time to tend to your landscape. Here are the answers to some common questions about seasonal tree care.

4 Pre-Spring Tree Care FAQs Answered

When Should I Prune My Trees?

tree-careIt’s best to prune trees when they’re dormant in the winter — before warmer weather has the chance to spread pests and disease. Have broken, damaged, or dead branches removed to help your landscape remain healthy during the spring.

How Should I Water My Trees?

To prevent runoff and puddling, don’t water until the soil properly thaws. Once your landscape is ready, take some time to deeply water the trees that were around any winter de-icing materials, which will help keep the roots healthy. If you use a sprinkler system, make sure the lines are working properly and haven’t leaked or clogged due to ice buildup.

Do I Need to Apply Mulch?

Yes, you should apply at least two to four inches of mulch around your trees. This will help improve soil retention and prevent weeds from springing up around your landscape. Avoid layering mulch against the trunk, which can cause a buildup of moisture and heat.

How Do I Know If My Trees Are Healthy?

As the temperatures rise, inspect your landscape to ensure that pests haven’t invaded the base of your trunks. If you spot any questionable damage, or if you feel like your trees simply aren’t looking their best, reach out to a local tree and landscaping company.


With a few proactive steps, you can ensure your landscape is ready to welcome the warmer seasons. Remember that you aren’t on your own; a professional landscaping company can help assess your property and provide expert recommendations tailored to your needs. Your landscape deserves to look its best, which is why people trust the team at T & L Tree and Landscape with all of their tree care needs. Based in Macedon, NY, this team of landscaping experts has been in business for over 50 years, proudly providing services like lawn care, pruning, stump removal, and lot clearing. To speak with a friendly representative, call (585) 223-3190, or visit them online to view their portfolio of past work.
