
Sedation dentistry refers to the various types of sedatives that can be used to help patients reach a state of relaxation during a dental procedure. Because fear of the dentist is such a common phobia, the use of sedatives can help transform a nerve-wracking procedure into a comfortable and easy experience. Below, the friendly dentists at Legacy Dental Arts in Eagle River, AK, discuss a few of the reasons to consider sedation dentistry at your next appointment.

3 Advantages of Sedation Dentistry

1. Alleviate Fear & Anxiety

sedation dentistryPeople who suffer from a dental phobia may experience intense anxiety and nervousness leading up to the procedure. The benefit of sedation dentistry is that it’s safe and allows a person to achieve a complete state comfort while they are in the chair. And after their first experience with it, they won’t have to experience the same anxiety going into each appointment.

2. Reduce Pain

One of the main causes of dental anxiety is the fear of pain. Many of the tools a dentist uses during a routine cleaning can cause sensitivity and pain in the teeth and gums. However, sedation dentistry can significantly decrease those feelings of pain and prevent the patient from focusing in on it.  

3. Quicker Procedure

When patients are able to relax, this allows the dentist to finish the procedure quicker and without having to take constant breaks or postpone part of the procedure for a second visit. Not only does this save time and money, but it also means you don’t have to see the dentist as frequently.

If you have a fear of visiting the dentist, you may want to consider sedation dentistry for your next dental appointment. The premier dentists at Legacy Dental Arts in Eagle River, AK, are dedicated to making their patients feel comfortable and relaxed whenever they are sitting in the chair. Call (907) 622-7874 today to speak with a representative or to schedule an appointment. You can also visit their website for more information about their services and procedures. 
