
Longer runtimes during winter may take a toll on your HVAC’s performance and result in a few maintenance issues. Learning about these problems can help you recognize them and have them addressed promptly. Below are some common furnace problems every homeowner should be aware of.

Low Air Flow

Does your HVAC fail to produce enough air to warm the entire house efficiently? If so, there can be a few factors that can lead to low air flow through the vents. Clogged air filters are the most obvious cause and can be easily replaced. Should the problem persist, have the system evaluated for ductwork leaks, air handler repairs, or blocked vents.

Thermostat Issues

A thermostat guides your heating system on the optimum home temperature and the duration for which you need it to run. But problems with this mechanism can also have an impact on the appliance’s ability to perform well. Older, manually operated thermostats are likely to require frequent troubleshooting. While repairing is an option, it’s best to swap them out for the more advanced digital options for greater efficiency.

Gas Leaks

FurnaceOver time, the gas line connected to your furnace can corrode and develop leaks. This is a matter that requires urgent attention because gas leakages can turn into safety hazards in no time. Carbon monoxide is another hazardous substance to be wary of. The odorless, toxic gas can spread throughout the home if the system’s flue pipe breaks for some reason. Call a technician right away if you notice signs of gas leaks around the house.

Wrong Sizing

An incorrectly sized furnace could also be the reason why you’re unable to maintain the desired level of heating in the house. An appliance smaller than your home’s requirements will have to keep running persistently to produce an optimum indoor temperature. This can lead to faster wear and tear and shorten the system’s lifespan considerably. Make sure the installers size the machine correctly before placing it in your home.


Being mindful of common problems pays off by ensuring furnace efficiency and longevity. Anytime you need troubleshooting solutions, turn to Purvis Heating & Air Conditioning for timely restorations. Since 1976, their technicians have handled all types of home furnaces in Fitzgerald, GA, and the surrounding areas. For further information about their services, call (229) 423-9100 or visit their website.
