
From disaster relief to ongoing blood drives, the American Red Cross is one of the most notable charitable health and safety organizations in the world. This March, Alaska Oncology and Hematology, LLC celebrates the work of this organization as part of American Red Cross Month—a national observation that has occurred since 1940. Encouraging others to support their efforts, this oncology center in Anchorage, AK, highlights a few ways this charitable group has become a staple of the health care community—especially when it comes to cancer treatment.

What Does the American Red Cross Do?

For the past 137 years, the support of numerous Red Cross volunteers and donors has allowed them to:

  • cancer treatmentSave Lives: According to the organization’s statistics, someone in the U.S. needs blood every two seconds. Many of these needs wouldn’t be met if it weren’t for the support of the Red Cross. In fact, they estimate that nearly 40% of the nation’s blood supply comes from their collection efforts.
  • Restore Communities: Whether a local homeowner has lost property due to a fire or an entire town has been devastated by a flood, Red Cross humanitarians are among the first to lend a hand. Specifically, this organization is known for providing first aid, food, clothing, and shelter to those who might have lost their homes due to a disaster.
  • Promote Public Health & Safety: While the Red Cross has an impeccable ability to help in an emergency, they are also focused on preventing them from happening in the first place. To help communities stay prepared, the organization offers a variety of programs to empower and educate citizens, including local health fairs and CPR certification.

How Does the American Red Cross Contribute to Cancer Treatment Needs?

A great deal of the blood used by cancer patients comes from the Red Cross’ supply. These donations are critical to patients undergoing chemotherapy, as the cancer treatment can cause low blood cell counts.

What Can You Do to Support the Red Cross?

Supporting the Red Cross is easy and flexible. For instance, you can advance their efforts by donating your own blood or even arranging a blood drive in your community. You might also find it rewarding to donate your time as a volunteer to help the organization provide for those in need.

If you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, it’s great to know that groups like the American Red Cross are here to offer support. Along with that, the specialists at Alaska Oncology and Hematology, LLC are committed to improving patient access to cancer treatment in Anchorage. Combining state-of-the-art tools and compassionate doctor care, this clinic is a leading resource for cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Visit them online to learn how they can help advance your treatment, or call (907) 279-3155 to schedule a consultation with a trusted oncologist.  
