
From broken window frames to gaps in attic support beams, there are several ways hot air can seep out of the house. According to the HVAC contractors at Parker's Heating & Cooling in Cairo, GA, knowing where the issues lie will determine the best approach to restore home efficiency and prevent further problems. Below, Grady County’s top heating installation team highlights three potential reasons your home is losing heat. 

HVAC Contractor Shares Why Your Home Is Colder Than Usual

1. Poorly Insulated Basement Walls 

A lot of heat in the home is lost this way. Air from the furnace can get wedged in the gap between the interior and exterior walls, where it dissipates. To avoid this problem, add a layer of insulation in the wall cavity. When looking for options, take the insulation’s R-value into account, as it measures the thermal resistance of the material. 

2. Cracks in Windows & Doors

Cairo-Georgia-HVAC-contractorCracks and gaps in windows and doors not only make it easier for intruders to enter your property; these damaged fixtures also contribute to heat loss in the home. To prevent indoor air from escaping outside, seal the cracks with caulk or install weatherstripping around the frames. 

3. Thinly Insulated Ceilings 

If the attic is hot and humid compared to other areas in the home, air might be escaping from the ceilings into the top of the house. Often, poor ceiling insulation is to blame for heat loss. The U.S. Department of Energy recommends measuring the thickness of insulation materials. If you have fiberglass or wool insulation, they suggest adding more to the ceiling if it is less than 11 inches thick.

If heat loss is leading to an increase in energy costs and a decrease in home or office comfort, turn to Parker's Heating & Cooling for assistance. These HVAC contractors will improve the efficiency of your cooling and heating systems and provide tips to conserve energy and cut down on the related costs. To schedule a service appointment in southern Georgia or northern Florida, call (229) 377-9129. Visit the HVAC contractors online for a look at the maintenance, installation, and repair services they provide. Like them on Facebook for announcements. 
