
Accident scenes are always chaotic, and there’s a lot to take care of in the aftermath of a wreck. If you sustained life-threatening injuries, emergency medical care would be your top priority. Otherwise, you would probably focus on photographing the area, exchanging information, and finding witnesses. Because there is so much to do after a collision, it’s not surprising that some victims postpone their call to a personal injury lawyer. Unfortunately, doing so could prove detrimental to their claim in the following ways.

The Proceedings Begin at the Scene

personal injury lawyerA strong personal injury claim starts at the scene. Victims who are capable of walking around should document the crash from all angles, obtain essential information from the other drivers, and get the names and phone numbers of any pedestrians or motorists who witnessed the incident. The sooner claimants call a personal injury lawyer after gathering this data, the sooner they can build their case and secure compensation for medical bills, lost income due to missed work, and emotional distress. Individuals can also avoid making mistakes early on that might jeopardize their claim—such as admitting fault or providing a recorded statement before reaching maximum medical improvement—by calling an attorney right away.   

Critical Evidence Could Be Time-Sensitive

In the state of New York, accident victims typically have three years to file an injury claim following a crash. However, in a lot of cases, the proof of fault is time-sensitive and expires within a matter of months. For example, motor carriers do not have to maintain their driver logs for more than six months. If you were hurt in a wreck with a big rig and wait more than half a year to call an attorney and file a claim, you may no longer have access to critical pieces of evidence.


If you were hurt in a collision with a reckless driver, a personal injury lawyer from Vincent J. Criscuolo & Associates will help you pursue compensation for the damages. Based in Rochester, NY, the well-rounded attorneys at this firm are proud to represent claimants following catastrophic accidents, and they have the experience to take on even the largest insurance companies. Visit their website to learn more about the quality counsel they provide clients who need a Social Security disability or workers’ comp attorney. You can schedule an initial consultation by calling (585) 232-3240. 
