
Cryotherapy utilizes extremely cold temperatures in a soothing, therapeutic way. Cold has been used for decades for pain relief, making it a top choice for treating injuries, swelling, and pain. Before you attend your first session, understand a few do’s and don’ts to get you ready.


Be Honest About Medical History

Cryotherapy centers need to know your medical background to ensure you are in the right physical shape for the session. Treatment centers will ask a variety of questions to assess your situation and find out if anything prohibits you from taking part. Be honest and let the professionals do what they need to ensure you are safe and ready.

Remove All Metal

Leave any jewelry at home. You will not be able to have any metal inside the chamber or during localized treatments, including piercings and underwires in bras. Usually, centers provide a changing area where you can safely store your stuff, but to ensure security, keep your metal jewelry in your jewelry box.

Move Slightly 

To keep circulation going and to avoid any prickly sensations in your extremities, you can make slight movements in the chamber. Gentle knee bending and little steps in place will keep the blood flowing and ensure you are comfortable as temperatures get lower.


Enter Wet

Your body must be dry before beginning any cryotherapy treatments. Any moisture on your skin or hair will freeze. Make sure your clothing doesn’t have any dampness either. This freezing puts you at risk for frostbite.

Be Scared

Don’t worry about the low temperature. Although it will drop well below freezing, you will not feel any pain or discomfort. You will feel the nitrogen flowing and getting colder. Be aware that some people may experience pins and needles in their legs during chamber treatments, which is normal and remedied by slight movement.

Go Longer Than 2 or 3 Minutes

For your first session, two minutes is the recommended maximum time inside the cryotherapy treatment chamber. You don’t have to stay that long; if you feel that you need to exit sooner, tell your technician what you are comfortable with. They will guide you to the best treatment for you.


Cutting Edge Cryo in Lewisville, TX, is the top center for alternative approaches to wellness. Their cryotherapy and aromatherapy treatments offer a holistic approach to healing the body as well as the mind. Besides cryotherapy chambers, they also provide cryo facials, infrared saunas, oxygen therapy, and other treatments to reduce pain and swelling. Visit them online or call (972) 850-2796.
