
If you live in a home with a traditional HVAC system, you know how noisy they can be. In fact, you may find yourself turning up the TV just so you can hear the dialogue, or speaking louder than usual so others can hear you. Ductless heating and cooling systems offer a peaceful reprieve from the noise of traditional HVAC systems, and there are a few key factors that make them almost inaudible.

Why Are Ductless Heating & Cooling Units Quieter Than Traditional HVAC Systems?

1. No Ducts or Fans

Traditional HVAC systems include extensive ductwork and noisy fans. The sound of the fan echoes throughout the ductwork and is delivered through your vents along with the cool or warm air. Ductless heating and cooling systems don’t use ducts or fans to heat and cool your home. As a result, there’s virtually no noise while they’re running.

2. Insulation & Dampeners

quiet ductless hvac systemDuctless HVAC systems are built to perform at levels quieter than a whisper. To achieve this, manufacturers add components to mute potential noises. Many ductless systems are equipped with vibration dampeners to eliminate rattling, and compressor compartments are often insulated.

3. No Cycling On & Off

Traditional HVAC systems emit the most noise when they’re cycling on or off. You might hear thumping or clanging as yours struggles to achieve the right temperature. Ductless systems continuously maintain specified room temperatures, so there’s never any noisy cycling. Instead, you get consistently comfortable temperatures and luxurious peace and quiet, day and night.


If you’re tired of shouting over your heating and cooling system or being startled awake by clanging in the middle of the night, consider a ductless HVAC system. WK Mechanical installs ductless heating and cooling systems from Mitsubishi Electric® for homeowners throughout Orange County, NY. They will also perform regular maintenance and repairs to ensure your HVAC system is running efficiently. Visit their website for more information, or call (845) 782-8133 to speak to a staff member today.
