
If you’re like most drivers, having a car with good gas mileage is high on your list of priorities. However, you don’t necessarily have to purchase a brand-new vehicle to enjoy the feature. Instead, all you have to do is tweak your auto care routine. Below, the professionals at All Around Auto Care in Elizabethtown, KY, explain how you can improve your vehicle’s gas consumption.

3 Simple Steps to Boost Your Gas Mileage

1. Empty the Trunk

If your car is weighed down with unnecessary items, it will need to burn more gas to get around. As such, go through your vehicle to see what you can remove. Have you been using the trunk as an extra storage bin? Is a bicycle on top of your car, even though you haven’t used it in a while? Getting rid of this excess weight will allow you to get more out of your next fill-up. 

2. Fill Your Tires

auto careUnderinflated tires don’t just pose a safety hazard—they also cost you more money at the gas pump. A lack of pressure in the tires will lead to extraneous friction, making it more difficult for the wheels to work effectively. That inefficient process uses more gas than if your wheels were able to make ideal contact with the road. The next time you’re due for an oil change, ask the auto care technician to look at your tire pressure and see if it needs to be adjusted. 

3. Watch Your Brakes

Beyond maintenance, your driving habits can also have an impact on gas mileage. The biggest mistake to avoid is aggressive accelerations, as this will unnecessarily increase the vehicle’s fuel consumption. Instead, increase your speed gradually. 

If you need help improving your vehicle’s gas mileage, turn to the professionals at All Around Auto Care. For over 12 years, these experts have helped residents in Elizabethtown, KY, enjoy smoother, safer rides. Give them a call today at (270) 737­-9954 to schedule an appointment, and visit their website for more information on their auto care services. 
